Friday, October 1, 2010

Deer in our backyard

I just went out to mow and found two fawns staring at me posed so nicely right behind Mallory's roses. It was a "deer in the headlights" moment, so I was able to get their picture without them running away. I just couldn't step any closer. We stared for awhile and I slowly moved my cell phone out of my pocket and aimed at them. I took three pictures. Then I ventured closer and they left. Kelly Homan and Bryce Berry are working to keep them alive during the winter because their mother was killed in a car accident nearby. They don't know what they'll do come spring. Bro. Homan asked me to gather apples and put them in a bucket and hang it over the fence. The fawns love apples, but he needs to cut them up or they can't eat them. That's about all they like to eat, so he is appreciating us sharing our apples.

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